Would you like to discover new places, learn from real people's experiences, plan the perfect trip and share your travels with free travel blogs? And all these from one place! All you have to do is visit the travel guide at RealTravel.com. This website gives you the best information for popular destinations worldwide. Get ideas of places to go based on your travel interests. Browse things to do, read travel blogs selected for quality by their editors and get advice from other travelers. Find great money-saving deals for your next holiday. Chosen by the editorial team, these travel deals are updated weekly to provide you the best value for your next vacation. Plan your perfect trip with the free trip planner and create a trip plan with personalized itineraries, maps, guides, blogs, reviews and more!
RealTravel is the best place for real people to find and share travel advice and experiences. Travel information is about more than price and star ratings - it is about the whole experience. You want to know what it is really like there. You want information on the people, the culture, how to get around, how to avoid problems, as well as suggestions for itineraries, accommodations, dining and things to do. The best way to find out about a place is from someone with similar tastes who has already been there.
So they've created an exciting new online community that lets people like you find and share detailed advice and experiences on places around the world. And they make it easy for you to connect to other travelers who are just as passionate about travel as you. You can find more information about what they're up to through their blog, the "Editor's Picks", where they bring you some of the best travel stories, recommendations and photos from the RealTravel community, and also provide related travel news and links for anyone who is passionate about travel.