These three are so double-faced. They can make the design of your page look very nice, but quite often, for Search Engines they're as bad as broken links: just make no way to see what's on your site.
For the Robots, JavaScript, frames or flash included in a website are like direction signs on the roads, made in the ancient Greek language. They are just hardly possible to read. Search Engines keep developing, and maybe one day they'll have no problems crawling these elements, but today's definitely not that day.
So if you want the Robot to crawl your site well (and you surely do!), you need to make sure these three flash, JavaScript and frames appeal to the Robot. And, if they don't, get rid of them or back-up these "Greek" signs with signs in normal language.
But first, how do you recognize frames, flash and JavaScript?
Frames allow displaying more than one HTML document in the same browser window.
You can scroll both parts of the window independently.
If you see that your browser window's broken into one or more parts, and each one's like a separate web page, the site most likely uses frames.
So if your site has frames, you can't be sure that the Robot will crawl the pages correctly. You can rebuild your site and remove frames completely, or at least use the noframes tags. What are these? Noframes tags are special ones that help Search Engines easier crawl your page. I'm sure your webmaster knows this and will make noframes tags easily.
You just can't miss it. This is the graphic animation that's been so trendy recently, and most of the time, it's used without any purpose. (These animations are made with a tool called Macromedia Flash). If flash is used in navigational elements of your site, it does pretty much harm.
Why is flash bad? Because if you have some text in it, Search Engines won't recognize it. You can make amazing flash animation, and put a fantastic message in it, and use nice links with good use of keywords... But for Search Engines it will be just a set of images, no keyword-rich content or anchor texts, and absolutely no way for the Robot to know what your site's about.
So... if you have flash embedded in your website's navigation, you've got to think it may do you harm. Discuss it with your webmaster, and maybe you need to either get rid of it or just duplicate your navigation bar without flash and place it somewhere else.
Again, like with flash, JavaScript can be harmful if it's used in navigational elements, like different menus. Now, ask your webmaster if your JavaScripts are used in navigation. If the answer is yes, your website's ranking is at risk. There's no guarantee that the Robot will read the scripts correctly: from my own experience, robots don't crawl 50% of JavaScript. So to avoid trouble, ask the webmaster to eliminate the harmful scripts, or at least include the
Now, ask your webmaster if your JavaScripts are used in navigation. If the answer is yes, your website's ranking is at risk. There's no guarantee that the Robot will read the scripts correctly: from my own experience, robots don't crawl 50% of JavaScript. So to avoid trouble, ask the webmaster to eliminate the harmful scripts, or at least include the noscript section.
Removing flash, frames and JavaScript from your website requires special skills. Well, in theory you can do it yourself, if you're familiar with HTML. But to ensure all's done correctly, my advice is: ask your webmaster to do away with these evil things — he'll definitely solve the problems with ease.
Use text links instead of images
For the same reason, Search Engines don't understand texts standing on graphic links: they're like abracadabra to the Robot. And, you should always make reasonable choice between a nice button and a text link.
The button will look great on your page, but the robot won't read the text on it, though it can be very important. As for a text link, though it doesn't contribute much to your site's look, its text gets noticed by Search Engines' robots. Moreover, today's technologies, like DHTML or CSS, make it possible to create elements that look as great as images, but are easy to understand for Search Engines.
So try to avoid image links and replace them with normal text links, where the site's design allows it.
Check where it's possible to use text links instead of images, and replace them. After that, make these changes available on the web.
Remove the Welcome page
I guess you also saw a thing like this: you load a site and all you see is a picture saying something like "Welcome to this cool website". To come to the website, you need to click a link somewhere on this Welcome page.
Honestly, I hate Welcome Pages. Most Internet users hate them. And, the Robot hates them, too! Yes, even though he's a patient guy, welcome pages are getting on his nerves. And what about normal people, huh?
Making a visitor come to a Welcome Page is as weird as what I imagined now: say, you're going to Las Vegas, but before you come there, you have to stay for a day in a tiny place called "Welcome to Las-Vegas City" City, with no alcohol, no women and no casinos — and only then you can go to Las Vegas itself. Who would do that?!?
To cut it short, Welcome Pages only do harm to your website sales. So if you have a Welcome Page and there's a way to kill it, don't wait to do that.
Correct HTML mistakes
The Robot does understand his "native" HTML. But he won't like bad code.
And I'll tell you something: each page was made by a human being, so it 99% sure has mistakes. The main idea about these HTML errors is:
If you have 100% correct code, it won't add up to your rankings. But, if you don't, you may pretty well rank lower than you could, just because of the bad code.
And, your SEO efforts may be just time and money down the drain.
So you'd better make your code nice. How do you know what you need to fix? Simple! A great help to all SEOs and webmasters is this free validator: .