The process of finding money for college may seem like a daunting task with a never-ending pile of paperwork.But it doesn't have to be that way. Right now, NextStudent can help you substantially lower your monthly student loan payments and put loads of extra cash in your pocket with the Federal Student Loan Consolidation Program. Federal student loan rates are low right now, but consolidating your student loans with NextStudent could help you lower your student loan payments even more. Anyone with an eligible federal student loan or federal parent loan can consolidate with the NextStudent Federal Consolidation Program. There are no credit checks, you don’t need a co-signer, and you don't need to know the details of your current student loan portfolio. Just complete the simple four-step online application with Electronic Signature, and you could be on your way to lower payments each month.
If you’ve already consolidated your federal student loans but still have private student loans you want to consolidate, you’re in luck. With the new NextStudent Private Consolidation Loan, you can consolidate all your eligible private student loans at record-low rates that could save you money.
The NextStudent Scholarship Search Engine is one of the largest scholarship databases out there today, and it’s packed with over 2.4 million scholarships worth over $3.4 billion.It’s updated daily, free of charge, advertisement-free and completely confidential. Extracted from over a decade of experience, the NextStudent Financial Aid Advisor gives you the essential information you need in an easy-to-read online tutorial. Each section is designed for quick reference, or can be viewed in sequence for a view of the financial aid process from beginning to end. NextStudent gives you as many funding options as possible with low-cost federal and private loans such as undergraduate and graduate student loans, parent loans, private loans, federal and NextStudent Custom Consolidation Loan programs and college savings plans. Private Sudent Loans makes it easy with a comprehensive collection of tools and resources, including online calculators, loan comparisons, a financial aid glossary, and an extensive list of answers to frequently asked questions.