May 24, 2007

Make Money With Google Earth

Google Earth team introduced a new survey for the downloadable application that will require the users' answers to improve the program.The "User Experience Research" is quite a short form because it asks only a few questions, most of them being related to the Google Earth features.The most interesting aspect of the survey is that you can get paid as the search giant is offering a certain amount of money for certain feedback formsThe will pay $75 for each time you spend with Google researcher!
The survey asks participants questions related to the frequency of using Google Earth as well as the most used features of the downloadable application.For example, you're required to mention if you're currently using the directions feature, the layers, the placemarks or the polygons.A few days ago, the Mountain View company introduced a Blogger research that was paying also $75 per user.
For more information read the FAQ.