I am new to PayPerPost,I have been a member for 7 days.But in one week I made 86 $!It's just great!I mean I could make 500$ per month.For me 500$ are a very nice amount.My mother works 8 hours every day to earn the same money.I didn't get paid yet but as soon as I get the money on my hand the first thing I will do is to buy a new webcam and a new pair of jeans!
After those maybe go and buy something for mo mother.I wish they would pay bloggers weekly but they pay every 30 days.Even so,it's not bad.I don't think I will loose any payment because they are a serious company.
Finally advertisers realized that paid posts on blogs is much better than links.Also PayPerPost has some smart affiliate tools like "Review My Post And Get Paid".I think they are going to grow and expand even more.